DTAPEP - Technical Board of Directors  for Teaching and Research Support

Technical Board of Directors  for Teaching and Research Support (DTAPEP - Diretoria Técnica de Apoio ao Ensino e Pesquisa )

This board of directors is responsible for the Central Vivarium of the USP Medical School (part of the Network of Vivariums of the University of São Paulo) and for shared infrastructures. It evaluates the projects of researchers working in the FMUSP-HC System and their adequacy to the processes and routines developed internally. .

The Central Vivarium of FMUSP holds the Biosafety Quality Certificate granted by the National Technical Biosafety Commission of the Ministry of Science (CTNBio - Comissão Técnica Nacional de Biossegurança do Ministério da Ciência), Technology and Innovation.

For further information visit:  http://www.bioterio.fm.usp.br